White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

10 Tips to Foster Emotional Intelligence in Children

Help kids identify feelings by noticing physical clues like tantrums, frowns, and clenched fists.

Remember, Feelings Begin Physically

Ask open-ended, exploratory questions. Try to veer away from questions with yes/no answers.

Encourage, empower & guide children to name own feelings

Encourage kids to recognize and express their feelings. Normalize emotions and model healthy coping strategies.

Affirm that feelings are legitimate

Children need access to the outdoors to experience the quiet, beauty, and wonder of nature. Feelings need room to spread out.

Allow space

Amidst noisy feelings, a pause helps. 'Taking five' - a tool I used in class - benefits students, returning them calm and ready.

Step back

Books aid kids' emotional expression by providing higher language. It matches their comprehension, not their expression level.

Read illustrated books aloud

Encourage kids to move with feelings. Dance, walk, write, create. Take a break, move away from stress.

Give feelings feet!

Feelings are visitors. Take care of them while they're here. Learn from them. They'll show themselves out when they're ready

Help children to recognize that feelings are temporary

Encouraging kids to recognize and care for their emotions helps them learn compassion for others.

Teach, caring for ourselves helps us to care for others

Exploring emotions helps children become healthier adults. Let's guide them to carry their emotions in healthy ways.

Remind children that feelings are complicated and it’s okay