You may spend the day on a roof removing leaves from the drain. You may also lift furniture and boxes for a friend all afternoon.
Don't be scared to tackle activities you've been putting off—any activity will relieve day-to-day tension.
Today, you may be more reserved, especially about love and romance.
Follow your intuition and trust your hesitations. Slow down and question your path sometimes.
During this time, learn to be happy! For you, this means taking a break. For once, forget your duties.
You control others. You're almost irresistible. Today, you can objectively aid others with their issues.
You'll float above human sensation and breathe God's purer air for a day.
Create a gradient from one shade of blue to another by switching the base color on each finger and then making a dot with the other colour. Using a dotting tool makes the process much quicker and simpler.