Insulin Resistance and Belly Fat: Implications for Metabolic Health.

In insulin resistance, the body's cells become less receptive to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar (glucose). Insulin resistance reduces the body's capacity to transfer glucose into cells for energy. 

Insulin helps store glucose as fat. Insulin resistance keeps extra glucose in the bloodstream, causing fat storage in adipose tissue, especially the abdomen.

Insulin resistance is significantly linked to abdominal obesity, which stores visceral fat around organs. Belly fat releases metabolic chemicals that cause inflammation and insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance disrupts fat tissue function, causing hormone and inflammatory imbalances. This imbalance causes metabolic dysfunction.

Diabetes type 2 is caused by insulin resistance. Blood sugar rises as cells become less insulin-responsive, straining the pancreas to generate more insulin. Over time, the pancreas may fail, causing diabetes-related high blood sugar.

The "good" cholesterol, HDL, is often reduced in insulin resistance, and the "bad" cholesterol, LDL, is sometimes raised. This dyslipidemia increases cardiovascular disease risk.

Healthy eating: A balanced, nutrient-dense diet with whole foods, fiber, and carbohydrate control.

Patients at risk of or diagnosed with insulin resistance should collaborate with doctors to create a thorough treatment strategy. Improved insulin sensitivity, abdominal fat loss, and metabolic health depend on lifestyle modifications.

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