Medical Conditions Leading to Belly Fat: Understanding Underlying Issues.

Several medical disorders might cause belly fat. Certain health concerns might worsen abdominal weight growth, along with genetics, age, and lifestyle variables. 

Metabolic syndrome includes high blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, and belly fat. Metabolic syndrome increases cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes risk.

Insulin resistance develops when cells become less receptive to insulin, a blood sugar-regulating hormone. Insulin resistance increases belly obesity and type 2 diabetes risk.

PCOS affects reproductive-age women. Sex hormone abnormalities, insulin resistance, and tiny ovarian cysts characterize it. Abdominal obesity may be more common in PCOS women.

Cortisol overexposure causes Cushing's syndrome. Fat can accumulate around the abdomen, face, and neck due to excess cortisol.

Cortisol levels rise with chronic stress. Abdominal fat increases with high cortisol levels. Additionally, stress-induced habits like emotional eating can cause weight gain.

These medical disorders may complexly combine with lifestyle factors like nutrition and exercise. Side effects of several drugs might also cause weight gain.

Consult a doctor if you feel a medical ailment is causing belly fat or unexplained weight gain. A complete medical history, physical exam, and lab tests can diagnose and treat health conditions. Treatment may include lifestyle changes, drugs, or other interventions, depending on the medical issue.

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