(Part-1) Supreme Court should rule The Jan. 6 riot disqualifies Trump from running again.

in Washington, DC — President Trump should not be re-elected, according to the attorneys arguing against his inclusion on the ballot, who said before the Supreme Court on Friday that he was the mastermind behind the violent assault on the United States Capitol in an attempt to overturn his loss in the 2020 election.

The lawyers pleaded with the justices to fulfill their constitutional duty and support a groundbreaking Colorado court ruling that removed the Republican presidential front-runner for 2024 from the state's primary ballot. The filing detailed the violent events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. "No one is immune to the rule of law," the attorneys stated.

A landmark lawsuit with the ability to derail the 2024 presidential election will be heard by the court in less than two weeks.

This case is the first time the Supreme Court has considered a clause of the 14th Amendment that prohibits politicians who "engaged in insurrection" from serving in that capacity. After the Civil War ended in 1868, the amendment was finally passed.

Trump intentionally organized and incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol in a desperate effort to prevent the counting of electoral votes cast against him" (i.e., after he lost the election to Democrat Joe Biden), the attorneys pleaded with the court.

They want a ruling that establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that the events of January 6 were an uprising, the blame of which lies with Trump. The relevant constitutional clause covers the president, and the states can apply it without any action from Congress, according to the attorneys' letter.

From his tweet on December 19, 2020, informing his supporters of the planned demonstration on the day Congress would count the electoral votes, to his subsequent statement on the matter, "Be there, will be wild," the written document provides full information of Trump's actions preceding January 6, 2020.

Trump lit the fuse," the attorneys wrote after Trump's January 6th speech to supporters. In the photo gallery, you can see U.S. Capitol Police Officer Daniel Hodges, who was attacked and stuck in a doorway, among other images from that chaotic day.