In a press release, Robinson—a GOP primary contender who has been in close contact with Trump—drew attention to the $9.9 million his campaign has received since the beginning of 2021, as well as the approximately $4.3 million it has in cash on hand
According to Graham's campaign finance report, the campaign started the new year with $161,600 in cash. More than 31,000 donations were recorded by Robinson from July to December as well.
According to his report, Republican candidate and state treasurer Dale Folwell raised $111,900 in the second half of 2023. As of the beginning of January, he had about $1.3 million in the bank, the majority of which came from the $1 million he had lent his campaign in June of previous year.
During the most recent reporting period, Democratic gubernatorial candidates Chrelle Booker, Marcus Williams, and Gary Foxx reported little to no activity.
Although the deadline for submitting campaign financial reports was Friday, the state elections board did not make some gubernatorial candidate filings available online until this week.
Both Robinson and Stein have kept their campaigns laser-focused on each other and the possibility of a general election showdown in the event that they emerge victorious from their respective primaries. However, Folwell and Graham have panned Robinson, casting doubt on his November candidacy in light of his controversial social media posts and harsh statements on the LGBTQ+ community and women's roles.
U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., is one of Graham's backers. In his TV ads, Graham claims that Robinson is unfit to be governor because of his earlier articles that touch on Jewish people and the Holocaust. The Robinson campaign has responded by stating that Robinson is a staunch friend of Israel and that his remarks are being misquoted.
In response, Robinson has used speeches to criticize Graham over his litigation over hog farms in eastern North Carolina. Robinson claimed that local farmers were penalized due to the case, but Graham denied this.