Those who fall under these five categories have to exercise caution when consuming cinnamon.

We use cinnamon to flavor our cakes and cereals, but it is also a potent spice with therapeutic benefits. Its minerals and vitamins help us stay healthy and avoid chronic diseases including high blood pressure, cancer, and obesity when eaten in moderation.

Cinnamon powder and supplement are generally harmless. However, it contains chemicals that may hurt some persons if ingested in excess. We highlight certain conditions to consider before adding cinnamon to a diet.

Coumarin gives cinnamon its sweetness. However, various blood-thinning drugs are made from it. Avoid excessive cinnamon intake if you use blood-thinning medication.

Mouth ulcers are prevalent. Allergic reactions or intestinal difficulties might cause it. We all experience it occasionally, but some do it regularly. If oral ulcers are common, cinnamon may cause an allergic response.

Coumarin may harm the liver and worsen liver problems. People with liver cirrhosis and jaundice should see a doctor before eating too much cinnamon.

Cinnamon can cause early labor. Pregnant ladies should limit this spice. Even breastfeeding mothers should see a doctor before consuming too much cinnamon.

Lowering blood sugar is a cinnamon benefit. You should avoid cinnamon if you use diabetic medication. Cinnamon compounds may interact with diabetic treatment and lower blood sugar. This can cause dizziness and fainting.

Adding a bit of cinnamon to cereal or dessert is safe. Cinnamon extract oil and supplements contain concentrated coumarin, which is problematic. Use 0.1 mg/kg of body weight to calculate safe coumarin intake. Cinnamon in this quantity is safe.

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