This zodiac sign is energetic and eager to try new things. Carnelian can balance Aries' powerful energy.
This Venus-ruled sign loves romance, elegance, and pleasure. This sign is emotional, down-to-earth, and loyal, yet their intransigence can cause problems.
Geminis are social butterflies, always on the move and brilliant communicators. This sign needs a crystal to soothe them due to their hectic lifestyle.
Cancers feel things deeply. The most loving, polite, and sensitive sign, they're also the most intuitive.
This sign's blazing fire engulfs others. Leos are gentle extroverts who give their all for their loved ones.
Virgos scrutinize everything. This sign's perfectionists balance chaos with balance, which drains them. A crystal will calm their self-criticism.
Kind Libras seek balance. Venus makes people happy in love. When problems arise, this sign is indecisive and insecure.
Scorpios are ardent, aggressive, and passionate, absorbing all their surroundings. They are extremely determined and focused. The sign appears chilly yet is sensitive and concerned.
Sagittarians love learning and traveling. They encourage all zodiac signs to live freely. This sign is smart, enthusiastic, and goal-oriented.
Capricorns are ambitious, driven by stability and success. They dislike outside counsel on their aims. This ambitious, adventurous spirit can cause tension and stress.
Free-spirited, rebellious, brilliant, quirky, and unconventional, this Uranus-ruled sign. They're creative problem-solvers. Brainstorming and thoughts might deplete the sign.
Peaceful water signs. Two opposing fish symbolize Pisces. Soft pinks and lavenders are dreamy. Navy or dark blue upsets Pisceans.