What ladies need to know about the practice of intermittent fasting

The practice of intermittent fasting has recently become very trendy. Testers of the diet say it has helped them control their blood sugar levels in addition to losing weight.

Multiple eating regimens that cycle between eating and fasting are together referred to as intermittent fasting. Not what you eat, but when you consume it is the main emphasis of the diet.

According to the plan, you can only eat during specific times of the day. Most people who want to intermittent fast follow the 16:8 protocol, which entails going without food for 16 hours, often from midnight to noon the following day.

The benefits of fasting may be more noticeable to women than to males. During fasting, a metabolic switch is turned on. At this point, your body begins to use fat stores for fuel rather than glucose.

During the eating window, most intermittent fasting strategies do not limit what you can consume. Intermittent fasting in conjunction with a rigorous diet resulted in greater weight loss for obese women, according to a 2019 study published in Obesity.

Insulin resistance has been found to improve in many individuals who have followed intermittent fasting. However, women might not notice the same degree of progress as males. This is currently the subject of ongoing research.

Hormone levels in premenopausal women are unaffected by fasting, according to one research. On the other hand, a study of Muslim women who fast from sunrise to sunset for 30 days during Ramadan found that some of the women who fasted experienced irregular periods.

If you are expecting a child or are nursing a baby, intermittent fasting is not a good choice for you. If the mother and baby fast during pregnancy, they may not get enough nutrients. To add insult to injury, ladies who suffer from eating problems should not follow this regimen.

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