Which Role of fiber and protein in weight management.

Fiber and protein help regulate weight by promoting satiety, metabolism, and muscle mass. Here's how fiber and protein help maintain weight:

Fiber-rich foods take longer to chew and digest, making meals filling. Satiety controls calorie intake and prevents overeating.

High-fiber foods including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains have fewer calories. This helps regulate weight by allowing you to eat more for fewer calories.

Fiber slows glucose absorption, regulating blood sugar. This reduces cravings and calorie intake by preventing blood sugar spikes and crashes.

Fiber helps avoid constipation and promote regular bowel motions. A healthy digestive system aids weight loss and general wellness.

Protein has more thermogenic effect than fats and carbs. Digestion and processing protein require more calories, increasing energy expenditure.

Protein is necessary for muscle repair and maintenance. Protein intake helps maintain lean muscle mass and metabolism during weight loss.

Protein-rich diets may boost metabolism. Protein metabolism and digestion demand more energy, which may increase calorie burn.

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