Which Zodiac Signs Are Unlucky In Love



Guardian Hearts and Emotional Vulnerability: Cancerians are sensitive and emotional. They crave emotional connection and supportive relationships. However, their dread of getting harmed and desire to wallow might prevent


them from finding true love. Cancers' fragility causes them to dread rejection and hide their genuine feelings. This self-protective tendency might make it hard to build deep relationships and love.


Capricorns are ambitious, responsible, and successful. They put work above relationships, which might hurt their love life. Capricorns have high standards and avoid partnerships because they fear vulnerability and disappointment. 


Their practicality and reservedness might make it hard for them to open up and let love in. Finding balance between their ambition for achievement and love's sensitivity might be difficult.



Aquarians prioritize personal liberty and independence. Due to their demand for privacy, they may struggle to build strong emotional bonds. Aquarians may struggle to commit and accept love's emotional sensitivity. 


Their independence and occasional aloofness might make it hard for others to get beyond their emotional walls, making them unlucky in love.


Sagittarians appreciate independence and adventure. They dread being imprisoned or controlled, making long-term commitment and settling difficult. Restless Sagittarians like to explore and grow, 


which can make it hard to establish partnerships. Their frequent travel and search for new experiences might prevent deep emotional bonds and make them feel unlucky in love.

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