Wisconsin election authorities ask the Supreme Court to deny Phillips' ballot application.(Part-2)

They continued by saying the court should not have had any say in the matter as the committee had exclusive control over who should be on the ballot.

Phillips, a congressman from nearby Minnesota, is attempting a naive effort to unseat Biden. In his challenge to Biden, he stands alone among elected Democrats.

Phillips claims in his complaint that the Wisconsin Election Commission and the Wisconsin Presidential Preference Selection Committee—a group of prominent Republicans and Democrats—illegally disregarded his request to be included on the ballot.

Phillips said that he was "generally advocated or recognized in the national news media," which is a requirement for a candidate to be eligible to be on the Wisconsin ballot.

Biden, Trump, and four other Republican challengers—two of whom have since dropped out of the race—were all included in the committee's vote.

As is customary, the Wisconsin Elections Commission blindly follows the advice of party leaders who submit their nominations to the state's presidential selection committee. Regarding Wednesday's answer to his complaint, Phillips remained silent.

According to Phillips, it is crucial to remain alert against attempts by members of one's own party to undermine democracy, in addition to Trump's assaults on the system, as stated in a Monday statement. "Let the people decide who our party's nominee is without party insiders trying to give Joe Biden an unfair advantage."

In last week's New Hampshire primary, Biden handily prevailed as a write-in candidate, while Phillips received almost 20% of the vote. Other states have certified Phillips to appear on their primary ballots.